18 Fonts That Will Boost Your Instagram Bio or Name

Summary: Let’s have a look at 18 unique fonts that are incredibly useful – because they can be used in your Instagram account (for example in name, bio, or even in post, story, reel, or anywhere else). My absolute favorites are these 2:

Since you’re here, I assume you want to spice up your Instagram account by adding some special fonts: well let me tell you that’s a perfect idea. In today’s worlds, everyone has social media and they all look kinda the same. So using a custom font can be a perfect way to make your account, or your post stand out from the crowd.

All of the fonts listed in this article are free to use and you can generate them all with our free Instagram font generator (just by one click). Simply copy and paste them to your IG.

And now, let’s have a look at the TOP 18 selection.

Pretty Slab

How to get this font: Generate Pretty Slab with our free Instagram font generator.


How to get this font: Generate Capitals with our free Instagram font generator.

Square Fill

How to get this font: Generate Square Fill with our free Instagram font generator.

Square Outline

How to get this font: Generate Square Outline with our free Instagram font generator.

Circle Fill

How to get this font: Generate Circle Fill with our free Instagram font generator.

Circle Outline

How to get this font: Generate Circle Outline with our free Instagram font generator.

Circle Outline: Small

How to get this font: Generate Circle Outline: Small with our free Instagram font generator.

Bold Serif

How to get this font: Generate Bold Serif with our free Instagram font generator.

Bold Serif: Italic

How to get this font: Generate Bold Serif: Italic with our free Instagram font generator.


How to get this font: Generate Handwritten with our free Instagram font generator.

Handwritten: Bold

How to get this font: Generate Handwritten: Bold with our free Instagram font generator.

Bold Sans

How to get this font: Generate Bold Sans with our free Instagram font generator.

Bold Sans: Italic

How to get this font: Generate Bold Sans: Italic with our free Instagram font generator.

Fancy Outline

How to get this font: Generate Fancy Outline with our free Instagram font generator.

The Classic

How to get this font: Generate The Classic with our free Instagram font generator.

The Classic: Italic

How to get this font: Generate The Classic: Italic with our free Instagram font generator.

Serif: Italic

How to get this font: Generate Serif: Italic with our free Instagram font generator.

Playful Capitals

How to get this font: Generate Playful Capitals with our free Instagram font generator.

Can you get cool fonts on Instagram?

As you already probably guessed: of course, you can. For example all of the fonts listed in this article are usable on instagram or any other social media platform.

How do I get good fonts on IG?

That is extremely simple. All you have to do is go to our Instagram fonts generator, pick your favorite font and paste it to your instagram.

Do custom fonts work on Instagram?

The answer is yes – custom fonts do work on Instagram. But it’s important to understand that does not include all fonts that exist. In fact, there is only small number of fonts you can actually use in IG bio, name, posts, etc. And luckily, all of these listed are the ones that do work. 


Let me just say that fonts open new perspectives and possibilities in design. When you use a custom font, you make your text stand out of the crowd. Using a custom and pretty font for your Instagram name or bio can create a memorable experience for your viewers, and that can lead to them remembering you better. Same goes for using these fonts as headlines for your posts, reels, or anything else. 

If you want my opinion, two of the best fonts for IG name are Pretty Slab or Capitals. These two are both elegant, pretty, yet still very well readable, so they’re my favorite. But all of the other fonts are original, and will make your account stand out – so I suggest you just go with your feeling and pick the one that resembles with you the most!



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